Our Beliefs

We are a charismatic, evangelical church that is part of the Vineyard Churches movement, below you can find what our beliefs and priorities are and for a fuller explanation we suggest reading the Vineyard Churches’ statement of faith



Seeking God’s presence and power through a culture of prayer, worship and creativity

Worship - we are first and foremost worshippers of God. We place the highest value on intimate, biblical and accessible worship in all forms

Prayer - we have a passion for prayer and we seek to be a community that prays unceasingly for the Kingdom of God to come on earth as it is in heaven

Expectation - we are full of expectancy that the Holy Spirit will move in power and bring transformation and life

Encounter - we believe we are able to come before the throne of God and encounter the love and intimacy of the Father

Creativity - we are a people that expresses our worship, prayer and lives through creativity and the arts


Building community together, where everyone can find a place to belong

Honouring - at the very core of our community is a culture of honour, where everyone is valued, respected and loved

Serving - we are called to imitate Jesus in all we do and so we are to be a community of servants, who prefer to serve one another in our actions

Including - everyone is welcome and equally treated with love, no matter their background

Encouraging - we are a community that encourages one another to become all that Jesus intends us to be, to embrace our God given design and destiny


Walking in the way of Jesus as transformed disciples

Gospel - understanding the good news of what God has done in Jesus

Identity - becoming whole and healed and flourishing in a secure, God-given identity

Biblical - understanding the beauty, depth and significance of God’s word for our lives, the church and the world

Community - belonging to and participating in radically loving, formative communities

Mission - finding purpose in joining God’s restorative work in the world through our lives

Power - learning to rely on and experience the power of God’s Spirit within us


Living for the spiritual, social and cultural renewal of our region

Gospel - that the world would hear the gospel and daily those that are being saved would be added to our number

Practical - that the love and power of Jesus would be demonstrated through acts of kindness and compassion

Dignity - that everyone who engages with our missional activities would leave feeling loved and with greater dignity

Progressive - that our projects and initiatives would seek to lead people into life and out of captivity and poverty

Empowered - that we love and serve our city as followers of Jesus, filled to overflowing with the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit