

Our Response to the crisis in Ukraine.

We have watched in horror at the events unfolding in Ukraine and as a church we want to continue our support of those affected by the crisis. We would like to invite you to join with us as we are called into action to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Psalm 27v5
 “For in the day of trouble
    he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent
    and set me high upon a rock.”


We believe in the power of prayer and so invite you to join us in prayer to specifically bring before the Lord the conflict and crisis in Ukraine.

We will hold our prayer meeting on the first Saturday of the month online at 7:30pm

Practical Support

We are collecting supplies for Gateway Church who are partnering with organisations who are serving the people of Ukraine during the crisis. We would love to invite you to get involved by buying supplies for us to send. We are asking for donations of:

  • Energy Bars

  • Medical (First Aid) Kits

These basic supplies could become a lifeline for those fleeing the war. Please bring them along on a Sunday morning or evening.

Donations - Operation Mobilisation

We would like to encourage you to give financially to support teams on the ground in Ukraine and surrounding countries that are working directly with their local communities to help those displaced by the current conflict. Operation Mobilisation are partnering with the local church in Moldova to support with the influx of Ukrainian refugees due to the war. Together with the local church they are currently focusing on working alongside mother’s and children who have had to flee the Ukraine and sharing God’s love with them through words, action and practical support.

One way you can do this is to donate is clicking the button below, which links to the Operation Mobilisation website.

Please include in the comments at the bottom of the page that you would like to designate the funds to the “Ukraine crisis response in Moldova, Metanoia”